Have you read Kristina’s Reflections?
This site is dedicated to helping you find your life’s purpose.
We don’t understand fully what purpose is because we don’t fully understand the mystery knowledge that has survived down the ages. Why is this? Because it is hidden. Why is it hidden? Because it is waiting for human beings to begin the search for life’s purpose. The key word here is ‘search’ which entails effort.
If God held truth in one hand and the striving after truth in the other, I would choose striving after truth. Lessing
The Mysteries of Eternity are now being revealed to many more people; those who are willing to apply themselves to the Quest.
In the past the mysteries were for the chosen few; in fact what is taught to our young children was taught only in mystery schools a mere 2,000 years ago.
Mankind has come of age: this website is dedicated to striving for TRUTH – we are each capable of unlocking the secrets ourselves. It is the striving that energizes us and enables us to think clearly.
Modern Initiation is about awakening our higher consciousness through our own inner striving. In ancient initiation an initiator was required.
This website uses the word esoteric because it refers to the inner meaning, the information that can be found beneath the surface if we only look and then think energetically. [Greek esterikos, from ester, comparative of es, within – inner.]
The highest wisdom is called occult because it only appears when a man brings his own light to meet it. [Latin occultus (ptp. of occulere to hide from view, cover up)- hidden.]
I love your reflections, they are succinct, punchy and reflective.
Beautifully written and good to read first thing this morning – thank you.
I want to thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about Mystical Death! They are beautiful!
Thank you especially for your weekly reflections – it really helps me to live in this world and make sense of the happenings.
Sending you love – agape and philia – for your so important and most appreciated work. It is the time to keep opening the spiritual door widely in whatever capacity we find ourselves.
Wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your series on the twelve disciples. It has been a pleasure to steep myself at times in their profound, yet gentle wisdom.
Each time I read Kristina’s Christian thoughts something of clarity and resolve rises in me. I feel confirmed about what I know and who I am. Each instalment makes so much sense to me. Each one becomes immediately useful for me. I want to know more; to learn more. I suppose it might be good for you to know that I am an Anthroposophist since 1983 and a Class member since 1989.
I am very sure that many, many people are incredibly grateful for the continual radically beautiful re-visioning of approaching the gospels you are doing. I know I am. One feels able to breathe once again with stories and pictures that we know are the very most important dimension.
I remember that when I met Soul Questing it was absolutely where I had got to then, and now here you are again, affirming my own research with your beautiful writing that appears in my life on Sunday-eve!
I warmly thank you for every week (with rare exception when other demands made it not possible) for staying faithful to your chosen task with ‘Who is Jesus? What is Christ?’ and sharing the fruits of your meditation and contemplation with me and others.
Thank you Kristina for this simultaneously sublime yet wholly down-to-earth reflection.
I am amazed again and again while reading your Jesus book at how much you know and how straightforward you can deliver that quite complex message. At least for me it is easy to follow – not easy to understand but I can can follow your train of thoughts – and I can concentrate on the actual meaning and how I can apply it in my own personal life. [Hungarian reader]
Kristina, your books and devotions have lead to a huge deepening of my life experiences and feelings. I’m so grateful. You also lead me to Robert Sardello!!! How in the world can thought take such beautiful turns? Anyway, I just want to say thanks!! You are such a blessing, may you be so blessed in return!!
I’m relatively new to Anthroposophy Kristina, and the series of books Who is Jesus : What is Christ? is helping me so much! Also “I Connecting”. You make esoteric truths highly understandable!
I’m one that never got into reading the Bible like a good little Christian should. But since finding your work, it has really opened it up for me, it is fascinating. I just wish I had more time to read everything! I will someday and will cherish that time. Thank you for what you are doing.
If you are called to go deeper into your spiritual understanding, this Author and Christian Mystic Teacher is Remarkable!
Kristina, you offered your book “Who is Jesus : What is Christ?” for free last year at this time. I got it on Kindle, and it’s what started my journey into Anthroposophy. I’ve been reading from this series every morning as a daily devotional, along with books by Steiner and Edward Reaugh Smith among others. Brian Gray’s YouTube lectures have been a big help too. It’s been a year of finding answers to questions I’ve had all of my life. It’s also been a year of immense spiritual growth. So thank you for starting me on my journey, Kristina! It was around Christmastime last year that you started me on my journey, and it’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever received.