
Ash Wednesday 6 March, 2019

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the journey to the crucifixion, that strange and mysterious event when a man was nailed to a cross and bled to death. What are we to make of this in 2019? Understanding the human I, the Self, is essential if Golgotha is to become... Read More

I Connecting – your Real Self

This is an excellent post about the structure and functioning of the human being. A study by Calypso Connolly A more detailed explanation is available in my book I Connecting Also see the I Connecting exercises and the compilation of all the posts I have written about I Connecting.  

Holy Night 3 applied to March and Pisces

December 26-27 – Pisces Now follow the 3 nights of the white lily. The soul recognizes that it cannot stay above but must come down again because in it, it possesses too much earthly weight. The conscious mind begins to purify the earthly body and assumes that each food is... Read More

The Riddle of the Human ‘I’

The riddle of the human ‘I’ is a riddle indeed. It is a riddle that we are called to solve now more than ever before. Sergei Prokofieff sheds much light on this riddle in all his books as he unwraps Rudolf Steiner’s descriptions of the ‘I’. Usually it is referred... Read More

Secrets of Evolution are in the Bible

Often, when I speak about the Bible, not so many people engage with what I say. There are not as many likes or shares. Yet, the Bible is the bridge to a true understanding of evolution. Evolution is our future history, understanding it helps us understand ourselves. It helps us... Read More

Finding Christ in our lives

All my books explore the many ways we can find the activity of Christ in our lives. Leaving the church aside, we can look for the simple ways he is active in every day moments. In our thoughts and feelings, in our activity, Christ is there, we just have to... Read More

Prayer – its true nature

We are living in very challenging times and more and more people are inclined to pray for different outcomes. Especially at a time like this it is important to understand the true nature of prayer. The nature of prayer is misunderstood; many people see it as an opportunity to petition... Read More

Discovering who we really are

The last book in the Bible, Revelation, does exactly what it’s name says – it reveals. What does it reveal? Us! Who we really are. For 3 years, each week from April 2007 till April 2010 I revealed some of the hidden meaning of this book. This is what I... Read More