
10th Holy Night applied to October and Libra

Holy Night 10 January 2-3 – Libra The night in which the greatest sacrifice grows from service: learning to listen to the inner voice and the signs of divinity, and to hear them obediently. Mystery: the voice calling in us through our various incarnations. Its clarity grows through sacrifice and... Read More

Why bother with the Bible?

These words from Rudolf Steiner explain why I write about the Bible, trying to nut out the inner meaning – or as I put it, the esoteric meaning that lies just beneath the surface of the words. The New Testament stands there as a record for humanity — but the... Read More

What is Energy-Pain?

Unless we understand the evolution of consciousness, we will never understand pain. Nor will we embrace it as a necessary part of our growth and therefore we will be tempted to avoid it at all costs. In his lecture about the artist Raphael, Rudolf Steiner explains an aspect of pain... Read More

Holy Night 9 applied to September – Virgo

January 1-2 – Virgo Now come the three nights of the crown. Release from the only intellectual or release of the intellect from its earthly bonds and purposefulness. This is the thrice-holy night, in which the lower ego falls away and only the desire to serve, to devote oneself remains.... Read More

Seeking rest from troubling times 2

Continuing on with these wonderful words in St Matthew’s Gospel – “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for... Read More

Seeking rest from troubling times 1

As we try to make sense of what is happening in the world at present, we can often feel quite defeated. When this happens we find ourselves in need of consolation. There are many ways to console ourselves; we can reach out to many distractions and substances. Is this the... Read More

Critical Times

I have a sense that every person on this earth is being tested at this time. Certainly, the young boys trapped in the deep cave in Thailand were being tested, as well as their families, and all those people charged with rescuing them. Was that an accident or a wakeup... Read More