Some say that this is the ninth Beatitude. Does it really matter if there are eight or nine, surely what matters is how the words speak to us and assist us in our personal growth. This eleventh verse of Matthew 5 tells us that if we listen to what Jesus... Read More
This is the eighth beatitude, some theologians say that there is one more, others disagree. Disagreement usually means that the depth of understanding is not there. There is a way to look at the human being as a ninefold being that could support the fact that there are nine beatitudes.... Read More
To be a peacemaker, eirenopoios, is to make peace, to be harmonious. This is not so that we can make others peaceful but that we might be peaceful ourselves. If we are peaceful we are free from disturbance, we have inner stillness, we are calm. This is not easily achieved... Read More
The Greek word for pure is katharos and the word itself suggests catharsis, purging, purifying and cleansing. We clean ourselves because we are dirty, or unclean yet we prefer not to acknowledge that we are unclean. This modern world is obsessed with cleanliness and it is suggested that we lose... Read More
These Beatitudes are the means to expand our conscious awareness so that we can experience a greater reality and understand the events in our daily lives with more clarity. We can be so contracted within our being sometimes, so concerned with ourselves, that we find it difficult to expand beyond... Read More
The word ‘filled’ chortazo really means to be fed. This is one of the hottest topics for humanity today: what are we being fed? With regards to food: is it genetically modified, does it contain harmful additives, does it contain gluten or other substances that are no longer tolerated by... Read More
Modern ideas of the meaning of words lead us so far astray when considering the truth behind biblical statements. If we stop and contemplate what the ancient Greeks meant when they used these words (as far as we can), and apply that to a deeper understanding of human evolution, new... Read More
In the Gospel of St Matthew Chapter 5 we find what is referred to as The Beatitudes which contain profound advice if we explore beneath the surface of the translation. After he had been baptised and spent time in the wilderness being ‘tempted’, Jesus gathered disciples and began teaching and... Read More