The Spiritual Hierarchy 3

Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim 
While the first hierarchical group are concerned with human consciousness, and the second are concerned with the outer environmental patterns of the universe, the third and highest group, who look into the face of God, the three in one, are concerned with the highest spiritual values of creative will, harmony and love.

The Trinity pour out their ideas into the order of Seraphim who then share them with the Cherubim who figure out what the ideas mean, and then the Thrones transform them into action. It is this action of the Thrones that we experience as creation. Yet it isn’t the Thrones who do the creating, they pass on the creative impulses to the spirits of Form, the creator gods referred to in the Bible as Elohim or Exousiai.

It is very helpful to see how these different angelic orders work in concert. Even this highest group of beings, who look into the very face of God, are so removed from us we can experience them through the angelic orders closest to us; the angels, archangels and archai.

Since the work of these orders is all about the development of human consciousness – and it is awesome to think of all these beings focussing their efforts on ‘man’ – it should be the least that we can do to try and have ideas about their work.

So how can we form some relevant ideas about love, harmony and will and make them part of our own lives? It doesn’t help to form these ideas from the modern usage of these words because these beings are the highest and purest of all the angelic orders. We could say that they hold the archetype of Love, the plan of what love should really be in its purest form; the same for Harmony and Will. However, we do find these three things in our everyday lives, they are the faculties of our soul; feeling, thinking and intention. Love is the highest feeling; Harmony is the combining of ideas, which is thinking which enables judging; and Will the highest creative action.

At present these three faculties work mostly unconsciously in our soul. If we are to become consciously aware then this is where we start. As soon as we become conscious of the feelings that course through our soul, and as we are able to guide them in different directions, we begin to touch on the work of the Seraphim, the Spirits of Love.  When we become aware of the thoughts that occupy our mind continually, and can concentrate enough to change them into more constructive and productive thoughts, then we connect up with the work of the Spirits of Harmony, the Cherubim. When we are able to direct our intentions most creatively with the purest motives, and become consciously aware of the power of our own will, then we begin to understand the work of the Thrones, the Spirits of Will.

Hopefully these short notes on this mighty spiritual Hierarchy will be food for thought. We can find them mentioned throughout the Bible and if we apply the things that they represent to the story in which they are mentioned we will unlock a deeper meaning to this sacred book. The common refrains, “Praise God”, “Praise Jesus,” or “Praise the Lord,” are just empty distractions from our everyday life. Don’t leave your troubles at the door and get high on praising an unknown God. Get to know the gods and the work they do, you will be rewarded. Instead of standing outside the door of a house and saying, “Praise the house”, we can enter the house and give thanks for all the individual effort that make a home clean, orderly, safe and nurturing?

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