Holy Night 12

January 4-5 – Sagittarius

On the twelfth night place the crown at the foot of the Divine. Because although we have won the crown, the struggle has been gained with help and grace; for grace comes from that source or fount in man that human power cannot reach. Now we manage to make a beginning and an end of time without space, and space out of time. Everything is eternal and holy now. We must use the forces of perseverance if we are to achieve the goals or aims of the hunter [the Archer], if we are to receive the good of the spiritual realm.

What we have known and received in the Twelve Holy Nights, we should take into life and thus spiritualize matter and soul. The Twelve Holy Nights are important to the life and fate of the entire year. They may plant a seed of good will.

It is especially important as we embark on New Year’s Eve. On this night we released the spirit of the people, for now, what we think will be taken by the higher hierarchies and carried as the force of accomplishment. R. Steiner

Contemplation 12: Kristina Kaine

What is “that source or fount in man that human power cannot reach?” Surely it is our I Am that is awakening the presence of Christ in our heart. This is the thinking heart, the heart that considers the importance of every thought knowing the effect that it will have on ourselves, on others and on the Universe.

Our journey through the 2014-15 Holy Nights has been one of realising just how much power we each have to change the world. It is within our power to spiritualise matter and to direct the soul’s attention to all that is eternal. It is when we change ourselves that absolutely everything else changes.

If we choose to do only one thing throughout the year ahead, the one thing that will make the most impact is to suppress our opinions. In the Esoteric Classes held during the years 1904-1909 Rudolf Steiner had some very powerful words to say about the damage we cause when we express our opinions – not just to others but also to ourselves.

“When we succeed in holding back our own view, then we practice something of great significance and at the same time gain tremendous power. … The more we are able to listen and not express our own opinion, the sooner we rise to immediate insight and direct spiritual sight. …. But in the same way that power is collected in a battery, we can collect forces in our souls when we suppress our opinions. It will result in inner power and strength.” http://rudolfsteinerquotes.wordpress.com/2015/01/01/opinions-have-no-value-2/

Perhaps we can dedicate 2015 as The Year of No Opinions. Then we earn the crown of the purity of will to lay at the foot of the Divine in us and everywhere. 2015

Image: Coronation of the Virgin, Bibliothèque de Genève ca. 1500, French – Tours

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