Holy Night 9 applied to September

January 1-2 – Virgo

Now follow the three nights of the crown.

Detachment – detach the intellect from its earthly and practical cares. This is the Triple holy night. It is when the lower self surrenders in a desire to serve and be integrated.
R. Steiner

Ninth Contemplation: Kristina Kaine

To be able to wear the crown indicates we have some control over our soul’s responses to life. This control comes from our ability to be objective. The one thing that works against us as we try to be objective is our karma.

Our earthly and practical cares arise from the particular karma we chose to work on in this life. The people we meet in life are the ones who can assist us to make the necessary karmic adjustments. That is their job if you like. These adjustments can only be achieved through detachment. Unless we think this through we will never understand why we face difficulties in our lives and we will usually seek to blame the other person.

Once we work it out, which usually means that we have committed to a path of spiritual development, we begin to wear the crown. Then we should ask the question: Do we place the crown on our heads because of the value we place on ourselves? Or have we earned the crown because our lower self surrenders?

One of the difficulties arising on the spiritual path to truth is to overvalue ourselves; we separate ourselves from the life we were leading and we can think of ourselves as self-crowned Holy people. As a result we are more egotistical than ever. This is why we must work on our desire to serve and to be integrated with the world around us.

Separating ourselves, and thinking that we are better than others, is not the path to the future. Our role model Jesus was constantly criticised for mixing with the wrong people. When we wear the invisible crown we have earned, and go about our daily business, we quietly set an example to all those we come into contact with. When they notice that we are different, they are changed. It is an unspoken blessing that pours from our heart to theirs.

Image: Madonna and Child with Angels by Lorenzo Lotto ~1525

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