Lent Day 30

Rudolf Steiner described many times, in many different ways, the nature of the I Am and its relationship to the Christ. In a lecture about the Lord’s Prayer given in 1907 he gave this powerful description.

How does Christ unite within us? How do we sense of his presence in us? There is a lot within us that we are not aware of. We are not aware of the activity of the various organs as they digest our food. We are not aware of the interactions of our nervous system as we do all that we do. We might then ask how can we be aware of the presence of Christ within us?

There is one important way and that is to become aware of the fourth member of our being, our “I”. Unfortunately this is quite challenging because our astral / soul fights to be number one within us and gets quite grumpy if our “I” tries to knock it off its perch. First, we need to refine the activity in our soul – feeling, thinking, and will. As we become more conscious of the activity of these three soul faculties, we can invite higher responses to situations in our life, which is the way our Higher Self or I Am takes the lead. When we do with success we unite with the archetype of the I Am which is Christ.

“The true name of Christ is “I Am”; who does not know or does not understand this and calls Him by another name does not know anything about Him. “I Am” is His only name.” Rudolf Steiner 27 May 1909

Crucifixion by Liane Collot d’Herbois

1 Response

  1. Moira Hanauer

    Rev Mario quoted that the I AM is the Way the Truth and the Life from john 14:6 the Way is also known as TAO in Chinese belief or DAO Buddha taught the middle WAY. In Eastern belief it is known as the inner ROYAL HIGHWAY xx Moira GOLD Coast.We are crucified everyday in our lives if we choose Jesus the Christ as our Master.We are then CO -REDEEMERS. Of CHRIST.

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