Holy Night 6

December 29-30 – Gemini

Now follow the three nights of the sword.

Peter’s night. Night of the consecration of the sword. Each of us must forge his or her own sword of discernment. Each of us must unite our spiritual will with the eternal, the immortal, and the perishable, and in this way we shall recognize the truth.

Mystery: Bring together the Son of God with the Son of Man – Unity.

Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights given to Herbert Hahn
Translation from German by Laura Zanutto 2015 adjusted by Mark Willan 2016

  1. Heilige Nacht

29./30.  –  Zwillinge

Die drei Nächte des Schwertes.

Petrus-Nacht. Nacht der Schwertweihe. Jeder muss sich das Schwert der Unterscheidung selbst schmieden. Jeder muss mit gesteigerter Willenskraft die beiden Stücke, das Todlose, Ewige und das Vergängliche zusammenschmieden, um die Wahrheit kennen zu lernen.

Mysterium: Gottessohn mit Menschensohn verschmelzen. Einssein!

Sixth Contemplation by Kristina Kaine

To consecrate the sword means to hold sacred our human will. Of all the beings in the universe, we have the sacred and holy privilege of using our will at our own discretion. Would we pick up a sword in defense if we were not familiar with the sword? To do so could mean that we cut ourselves, or that the sword is used against us.

What is this will? We unfold the impulse of our will in our action and activity. We are not aware of it until we see the results of the action. We will not be fully aware of our will until we can consecrate it – this is a safety mechanism. To consecrate our will means that we set it apart, make it holy, dedicate it to activity that is eternal, immortal and imperishable – true! When we do this we become the Son of Man and the whole of humanity are our brothers and sisters. Then we will not use our will in a way that disadvantages another person.

Our will is very individual; we can think the same thoughts, we can come together to share a feeling but it is rare that two people can act in the same way at once (unrehearsed). Wielding a sword is a very individual activity.

Available on Amazon:

The Holy Night Reflections written between 2011 – 2016  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M730YAV/

The Reflections written between 2016 – 2021 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SBMRY7L/

Joan of Arc – Rosetti

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