Holy Night 9
January 1-2 – Virgo
Now come the three nights of the crown.
Release from the only intellectual, or release of the intellect from its earthly bonds and purposefulness. This is the thrice-holy night, in which the lower ego falls away and only the desire to serve, to devote oneself, remains.
Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights given to Herbert Hahn
Translation from German by Laura Zanutto 2015 and Mark Willan 2016
- Heilige Nacht
1./2. – Jungfrau
Nun folgen die drei Nächte der Krone.
Loslösung vom Nur-Intellekt oder die Loslösung des Intellektes von der irdischen Gebundenheit und Zweckhaftigkeit. Es ist die dreimal heilige Nacht, in der das niedere Ich abfällt und nur der Wunsch bleibt, zu dienen, sich hinzugeben.
Ninth Contemplation: by Kristina Kaine
What are these three crowns? A crown signifies rulership. When we have inner rulership we could earn a crown for each of the three areas over which we have dominion.
The first area to be controlled is our emotions and feelings. We instinctively express our feelings through our lower self. In this state we are focused on our own welfare. We play our own tune; we sound our own individual note often not harmonising with the notes played by all those around us. Or we don’t play our note at all because the notes played by others drown us out.
If we can detach our intellect from its earthly and practical cares we release our Imagination. This Imagination is a spiritual faculty of immense significance. This is the point at which we rise above our soul and begin to express ourselves through our spirit. We experience the wisdom of universal order. We begin to see the living universal archetypes. We realise how our own self-interest could affect the true order of things.
Now we begin to feel the crown on our head and the responsibility of the embryonic child that is our I AM. Our self-serving feelings become ennobled revealing to us spiritual Imaginations of our true Self. Antisocial feelings and abstract thinking dissolve into living images that assist us to understand the world order. This assuredness has a stabilising influence on us and we are able to integrate ourselves more easily into the true flow of life.
The Holy Night Reflections written between 2011 – 2016 are available on Amazon
The Holy Night Reflections written between 2016 – 2021 are now available on Amazon