
Good Friday – 30 March, 2018

“Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Luke 23:46 Now, as the mighty Christ Being completes the process of occupying the body of Jesus, this Being makes the ultimate sacrifice. Crying out loudly he says to his progenitor, his Father, which can be his eternal I Am, his True... Read More


The only way we can see the midway point is when we form a connection with our Higher Self, our I Am. Otherwise, if we remain entangled in our soul forces we are thrown to and fro struggling to come up for air – the air of truth.

Holy Night Four applied to Aries

December 27-28 – Aries Consciously purify the astral body: antipathy and sympathy are converted into universal love. Passions and desires keep silent. The power of Christ penetrates with his light and his strength what is Luciferic in us. Mystery: The work on ourselves serves the best interests of the whole.... Read More