Soon afterwards he went to a town called Nain

When I look closely at the Greek words used in the bible I am constantly surprised to find the hidden meaning. Take, for example, a simple statement like this:

 “Soon afterwards he went to a town called Nain,” Luke 7:11

In the Greek is says:
Καὶ  ἐγένετο  ἐν  τῷ  ἐξῆς  ἐπορεύθη  εἰς  πόλιν  καλουμένην  Ναῒν
And egeneto, en ho echn poreuomai eis polis kaleo Nain

Egeneto means that something came into existence, something was born
Echn doesn’t mean ‘day’ it means ‘what happened next’
Poreuomai indicates a procedure or an experience and can mean ‘to go to the other side’. The side that we are on mostly is this physical world, we are not aware of the other side of the physical which is the spiritual world. Poreuomai can indicate an awareness or experience of the spirit behind matter.
Kaleo does not mean ‘named’ it speaks of a calling, an inner impulse to a particular course of action. For example, to be called to a certain task.

So what is being said here is not about a group of people walking into a town; it is saying that their consciousness changed. A new awareness was born within them because of an inner calling. So they experienced a different consciousness which was connected with Nain, which means beauty.

Our experience of beauty occurs in the life-force of our body which we can call our etheric body. The etheric life-force can be found in nature, and in us it is the force that keeps us alive. If this force leaves us then we die. If we look at a dead body we see that it has gone. To become aware of this life-force look deeply at a beautiful flower and notice how you feel as you fully take in its beauty. You might feel a lightness, a swelling, a glow. This feeling could remind you of the growth-force of a plant. If you stay focussed on the flower you might then have some new ideas about the perfection of the creative force that creates such beauty. You might not be able to put it into words but you will have a sense of silent knowing. This is the experience that Luke is describing in the first few words of his text.

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