Holy Night 6

December 29-30 – Gemini
Now follow the three nights of the sword.
Peter’s night. Night of the consecration of the sword. Each of us has forged his or her own sword of discernment. Each of us must unite our spiritual will with the eternal, the immortal, with the imperishable, and in this way we shall recognize the truth.
Mystery: Bring together the Son of God with the Son of Man – Unity.
R. Steiner

Sixth Contemplation: Kristina Kaine

How do we experience the eternal, the immortal and the imperishable? This is difficult in a world that focuses on the present and values instant gratification. To understand concepts like eternal, immortal and imperishable we firstly need to understand that we live repeated lives on this earth. Not just in theory but to have the ability to apply ideas about reincarnation in our daily life.

If, for example, we clash with someone, and our first reaction is to wonder about our relationship with them in a past life, we immediately get in touch with the eternal. We are able to stand in the present and consider the past, and decide to take action which will influence the future.
In a similar way we experience the immortal and the imperishable. It requires that we stand in our I AM. This sword is our I AM which rests in the sheath of our body. We forged our sword in previous lives and continue to forge it in this life. Our job is to learn how to wield it, but first we must become aware of it.

We place our hands on the hilt of the sword but until we have purified our will, our motives, it would be wise not to wield it. Gradually, over time, as we become more observant about our interactions with others we will be able to respond to them objectively. If someone is mean to us and we remain calm inside, we are responding to them in an eternal way. Then we resolve with our karma, the consequences of our actions in a past life. We do this by recognizing the truth of the situation and we consciously set ourselves free from the bond.

Image: Joan of Arc Kisses the Sword of Liberation – Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1863

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