Lent Day 35

The Bible is an esoteric and sacred text. Anthroposophy brings it to life in the most unexpected ways. The basic tenets of Spiritual Science unlock the principles of initiation embedded in Biblical code revealing amazing facts about human life and human potential. I discovered many unexpected truths as I wrote my twelve books exploring the esoteric meaning of the Bible. I show how each one of us can initiate ourselves in everyday life by contemplating these mysteries.

At the centre of this is the Christ Event we prepare for during Lent.

“To those who approach an understanding of the Christ-Event by the path of Spiritual Science, it must be clear that these Gospels were written by men who could look upon the Christ-Event spiritually with spiritual eyes. Hence they had no wish to write an external biography, but followed the old Initiation writings.” Rudolf Steiner, “From Jesus to Christ” Lecture IV

Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos, 1485 – Hieronymus Bosch

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