Sixth Holy Night Applied to June

The 12 Holy Nights sow a seed for our progress through the year ahead. Our sole purpose on this earth is to become aware our I Am, our True Self. By applying each of the 12 Holy Nights to each of the 12 months throughout the year we come closer to knowing ourselves more completely. In its highest expression our I Am becomes one with Christ who accompanies us each step of the way.

“The true name of Christ is “I Am”; who does not know or does not understand this and calls Him by another name does not know anything about Him. “I Am” is His only name.” Rudolf Steiner 27 May 1909

December 29-30 – Gemini

Now follow the three nights of the sword.

Peter’s night. Night of the consecration of the sword. Each of us must forge his or her own sword of discernment. Each of us must unite our spiritual will with the eternal, the immortal, with the perishable, and in this way we shall recognize the truth.

Mystery: Bring together the Son of God with the Son of Man – Unity.
Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights given to Herbert Hahn

Translation from German by Laura Zanutto 2015 adjusted by Mark Willan 2016

  1. Heilige Nacht

29./30.  –  Zwillinge

Die drei Nächte des Schwertes.

Petrus-Nacht. Nacht der Schwertweihe. Jeder muss sich das Schwert der Unterscheidung selbst schmieden. Jeder muss mit gesteigerter Willenskraft die beiden Stücke, das Todlose, Ewige und das Vergängliche zusammenschmieden, um die Wahrheit kennen zu lernen.

Mysterium: Gottessohn mit Menschensohn verschmelzen. Einssein!

Sixth Contemplation: Kristina Kaine

What does it mean to “Bring together the Son of God with the Son of Man – Unity.” How can we recognize that we are doing this with some success? More questions for us to put to Christ.

In the days leading up to his crucifixion, John writes in his Gospel about some Greeks approaching the disciples and asking to see Jesus. They then went to Jesus with the request –

“And Jesus answered them, ‘The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified.’ John 12:23

In my Reflections on the Gospels I wrote about this statement in this way:

“Jesus didn’t say what do you want? He launched into an answer. “The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified.” In other words, he recognizes that everything is now in place in our consciousness to become aware of our I Am. Thinking and willing came together with the intellect, then the I Am announced that the Son of man will be glorified, will shine. This glory, doxazo, means glorified, shining like a star. The star within us is our astral and when we can override its instinctual behavior our light shines. Our astral no longer occludes our I Am, it irradiates it with light.”  Who is Jesus : What is Christ? Vol 4

The Son of Man is the son we are giving birth to. We can only give birth to it when our I Am is active within us, and we have a conscious relationship with our inner Christ. This inner activity is purifying and we will be changed.

In The Background to the Gospel of St Mark, at the end of lecture 6, Steiner says,

“These circumstances [in the life of Jesus leading up to the crucifixion] were not matters of chance but came about because these two lived within each other: the Son of God (which is man from the moment of his birth until the development of the Ego-consciousness) and the Son of Man (which is what he is after Ego-consciousness has been attained). The events which then culminated in the happenings in Palestine were the outcome of the living together of the Son of God and the Son of Man.” January 16, 1911

Therefore, when we give birth to these elements, there will be a death within us, followed by a resurrection. As Steiner says in his indications for this Holy Night, “Each of us must unite our spiritual will with the eternal, the immortal, with the perishable, and in this way we shall recognize the truth.” In this way we unite our I Am with Christ, the archetype of the I Am, and the Son of Man is glorified in us.

Golgotha by David Newbatt

Contemplations from the previous 5 years are available on Amazon

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