Fifth Holy Night Applied to May

December 28-29 – Taurus

Consciously purify the body of thought.
Discipline thinking. Concentrating on the positive.
Converting the black doves of thought into white doves, because our thinking is, until it is not consciously conducted with discipline, like a dovecote! Keep this dovecote closed against foreign, negative thoughts.

Mystery: The purification of the temple by Jesus Christ.

Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights given to Herbert Hahn

Translation from German by Laura Zanutto 2015 adjusted by Mark Willan 2016

5. Heilige Nacht

28./29. – Stier

Bewusst den Gedankenkörper reinigen. Gedankenzucht. Konzentration auf Positives. Umwandeln der schwarzen Gedankentauben in weiße, denn unser Denken gleicht, solange es nicht bewusst in Zucht genommen wird, einem Taubenschlag! Diesen Taubenschlag auch schließen vor fremden, negativen Gedanken.

Mysterium: Die Tempelreinigung durch Jesus-Christus.

Fifth Contemplation: Kristina Kaine

What does the purification of the temple by Jesus Christ mean? Does Christ go into a building and get rid of the money changers? Why would he do that? Matthew reports it in this way.

“And Jesus entered the temple of God and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.” Mt 21:12

It is so easy to be drawn into a physical explanation of what took place. A man creating havoc for some traders in a physical building. St Paul puts things into a different perspective when he says:

“For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Cor 6:16

If we are the temple then what do the money changers and pigeon sellers represent within us? I wrote about the money-changers in this way:

“Then there are the money-changers within us. Money is creative energy which we earn when we act from the inner divine core of our being. When we are in touch with this inner divinity we always want to give more than we receive, and everything we do is motivated by love. When we are motivated by greed and want to hoard our resources we are the short-changers, the ones who want to have advantage over others.” Who is Jesus : What is Christ? Vol 1

Are we always aware of these kinds of thoughts? Are we aware of wanting to take advantage of others? It can be as simple as taking the largest piece of cake. Or even leaving the largest piece of cake through an act of egotistical self-righteousness. As we begin to see the money changers and pigeon sellers within us, we may not know how to deal with them. Yet, all we have to do is see them, then Christ will cleanse our temple. Are we willing to let him?

The time has now come in which we must immerse ourselves consciously into the influence of the Christ Impulse. Rudolf Steiner, 7th of May 1915

Painting: Christ and the Money Changers by Anthea Craigmyle

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