The Last shall be First

Ego Eimi in Greek is I AM, the Higher Self. The I AM is the musician who plays the instrument of the soul.

The Bible reveals some amazing secrets about human evolution if the spiritual principles revealed by Rudolf Steiner about the soul and the I AM are applied to the original Greek words.

In the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 20 is a story about a vineyard owner who hires some workers off the street. The vineyard owner went out 5 times during the day to find workers. At the end of the day he paid everyone the same; those who only worked for one hour got the same as those who had worked all day. Naturally they complained. The owner replied in this way.

But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for a denarius? Take what belongs to you, and go; I choose to give to this last as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ So the last will be first, and the first last.”

This is what I wrote about this in the series Who is Jesus : What is Christ? Vol 4. The translation of this text “Or do you begrudge my generosity?” is so wrong, and so misleading.

“The householder, the Lord “went out” exelthen which means to appear, make one’s appearance, which metaphorically means to come into being, to arise, to come forth. This would suggest movement after a period of rest. The times that the movement took place; early in the morning, then the third, sixth, ninth and eleventh hour, and finishing in the evening suggesting a cycle of time. So the question is: why is each laborer, each life time, worth the same amount regardless of the time worked?

To make sense of this we have to try and understand the meaning of the words, “So the last will be first, and the first last.” If we think of a plant that grows to maturity, say a tomato plant; the last thing to develop on this plant is the tomato and the tomato is the first thing to die. The plant from which it grew is the first, and it is the last to die when the season is over. If we ask what is the most valuable part of this process we could say that it is the fruit, the “last which will be first”. If so, could we say that the tomato is more valuable even though it has only been working for the shortest time? A further thought is that it is only when the plant produces the tomato that we can identify the type of plant, or the breed of tomato. This means that we only fully understand this plant when we look at the last thing, not the first thing.

The Lord’s response to the complaints is interesting. The translation is completely wrong, the text does not say “Or do you begrudge my generosity?” It says: is your eye, opthalmos, ponerous – which essentially means: is your eye deceiving you, because the I Am is good? The Greek says, ego agathos eimi, where ego eimi means I Am and agathos means to be good in character and beneficial in effect.

So the first laborer, the aspect of the I Am that agreed to incarnate first has worked for the longest time to support the final fruit – the laborer who was sent into incarnation at the eleventh hour.” Who is Jesus What is Christ? Vol

Ode to the Dew Drops by Annael Pavlova

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