What is a Disciple?

I am preparing my book about unlocking the Bible. It is a collation of posts I have written over the years about the esoteric way to read the bible.

I love this description about the disciples who are not just 12 guys randomly collected by Jesus as we walked around after he was baptised.

“Disciple in Greek is mathetes, which means more than the basic interpretation of ‘thoughtful learner’; it means the learner who uses the principles of mathematics to understand the truth. This may sound weird but if we think about it, it makes sense. It is referring to using the principles of mathematics to test the truth, to ensure things always add up. There is a special word for this which has been used in secret societies down the ages which is mathesis – and we can see the word ‘maths’ in these two words. Therefore, we can say the mathetes mathesis – which means disciples understanding truth. This, of course, is a continual process of testing and re-testing as we do in mathematics to ensure things always add up.” The Bible Unlocked by Kristina Kaine (soon to be published).

Disciples by Odilon Redon

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