Holy Night One

Indications given by Rudolf Steiner to Herbert Hahn for the Twelve Holy Nights

For one whose eyes of spirit are opened the Thirteen Days and Thirteen Nights between the 24th of December and the 6th of January are a time of deep spiritual experience. Parallel with the experience of the plant-seed in the depths of the natural earth, there is a spiritual experience in the earth’s spirit-depths — verily a parallel experience. And the seer for whom this experience is possible either as the result of training or through inherited clairvoyant faculties, can feel himself penetrating into these spiritual depths. During this period of the Thirteen Days and Nights, the seer can behold what must come upon man because he has passed through incarnations which have been under the influence of the forces of Lucifer since the beginning of earthly evolution.

The sufferings in Kamaloca that man must endure in the spiritual world because Lucifer has been at his side since he began to incarnate on the earth — the dearest vision of all this is presented in the mighty Imaginations which can come before the soul during the Thirteen Days and Nights between the Christmas Festival and the Festival of the 6th of January, the Epiphany.

At the time when the seed of the plant is passing through its most crucial period in the depths below, the human soul is passing through its deepest experiences. The soul gazes at a vista of all that man must experience in the spiritual worlds because, under Lucifer’s influence, he alienated himself from the Powers by whom the world was created.

This vision is clearest to the soul during these Thirteen Days and Nights. Hence there is no better preparation for the revelation of that Imagination which may be called the Christ Imagination and which makes us aware that by gaining the victory over Lucifer, Christ Himself becomes the Judge of the deeds of men during the incarnations affected by Lucifer’s influence. The soul of the seer lives on from the festival of Jesus’ birth to that of the Epiphany in such a way that the Christ Mystery is revealed. It is during these Thirteen Holy Days and Nights that the soul can grasp most deeply of all, the import and meaning of the Baptism by John in the Jordan.

The Birth of the Sun-Spirit as the Spirit of the Earth

Contemplation by Kristina Kaine in 2013

Are we worthy to participate in this birth? Perhaps that is why the Christ Child was born in a humble stable to remind us that it is okay to welcome this birth in our soul, even though we are very aware of our weaknesses, flaws and passions. They are part of who we are, they are the challenges that strengthen us as we overcome them. Each tiny victory is a step forward in the dark and trackless forest. No one can lead us, we must make our own way. We must quell the fear and find the courage to accept that a miracle is born within us this night.

It is said that this child could speak at birth. If we can quieten all feelings of unworthiness and know that we have this precious gift within us, we will hear this voice. It is a voice of silence because no words are necessary to know the joy of goodness. The goodness in ourselves that is utterly worthy to hold this new life within us. The joy of goodness that we also see in others as they struggle with their own feelings of worthiness. In this way we assist each other to feel worthy.

The Holy Night Reflections written between 2011 – 2016 are available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M730YAV/

The Holy Night Reflections written between 2016 – 2021 are now available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SBMRY7L/

Many blessings at this special time.

Art: Nativity – Fra Angelico 15th Century

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