Advent Week 4

The fourth light of Advent is the light of humankind–
The light of hope that we may learn to love and understand. R. Steiner

How brightly can we light this fourth light in our being over the next few days? To be able to love and understand sets us apart from all creation. It sets us apart principally because we have the choice to love and understand. This choice is the greatest gift in the whole Universe and yet we have barely unwrapped it.

The human I-being, which we are striving to integrate into the other three parts of our being, holds the key to our ability to love and understand. The word under-standing reveals this. It is the human I-being which gives us the ability to stand upright. Connected with standing upright is our ability to think. Observe a tiny child as it begins to stand, starts to think, and then to speak. In this very fact we have the difference between humans and animals.

We will create this fourth light when we break through all that binds us to this earth and give birth to living thinking. We do this through our I-being. Living thinking does not rely on stored memories (in our etheric body) but grasps truth as it streams from the spiritual worlds. Not in a clairvoyant haze but as pure thought to which we can apply logic. Then we will truly understand, and then the power of pure love that created this Universe awakens within us.

Christ Blessing by Raphael

From Secrets of the Christian Festivals available on Amazon
The Reflections written between 2016 – 2021

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