Holy Night 9

January 1-2 – Virgo

Now come the three nights of the crown.

Release from the only intellectual, or release of the intellect from its earthly bonds and purposefulness. This is the thrice-holy night, in which the lower ego falls away and only the desire to serve, to devote oneself, remains.

Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights given to Herbert Hahn
Translation from German by Laura Zanutto 2015 and Mark Willan 2016

  1. Heilige Nacht

1./2.  – Jungfrau

Nun folgen die drei Nächte der Krone.

Loslösung vom Nur-Intellekt oder die Loslösung des Intellektes von der irdischen Gebundenheit und Zweckhaftigkeit. Es ist die dreimal heilige Nacht, in der das niedere Ich abfällt und nur der Wunsch bleibt, zu dienen, sich hinzugeben.

Ninth Contemplation: by Kristina Kaine

Our personal resurrection is accompanied by a new level of objectivity. We won’t take things as personally as we did before. This doesn’t mean that we will meet every event in our lives with equanimity, but we will find a greater level of detachment than we have in past.

Whenever we can be detached we know that we are responding to life through our I Am. Otherwise, we respond with our lower self which behaves like a child in some situations. It wants its own way, which is usually the way of least resistance. Yet if we do resist responding as we usually do to something that annoys us we feel liberated. Try it. The next time someone annoys you take a breath, create a space and say to yourself, “If this was happening to someone else would I be annoyed?”

In this way we activate our will to control our lower emotional responses. We let the words or actions of the other person wash over us and flow away into oblivion. When we do this whatever they did loses its intensity and everyone benefits.

Furthermore, if we remember that we attract whatever happens to us then we could quickly recognise these little tests and see them as a way of strengthening our New Year resolves.  Kristina Kaine 2012

Madonna on a Crescent Moon in Hortus Conclusus Unknown Master, German (active 1450s in Cologne)

The Holy Night Reflections written between 2011 – 2016 are available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M730YAV/

The Holy Nights contemplations written between 2016 and 2021 are available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B08SBMRY7L/


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