Holy Night 10

January 2-3 – Libra

The night in which the greatest sacrifice grows from service: learning to listen to the inner voice and the signs of divinity, and to hear them obediently.

Mystery: the voice calling in us through our various incarnations. Its clarity grows through sacrifice and decision.

Rudolf Steiner’s indications for the Holy Nights given to Herbert Hahn
Translation from German by Laura Zanutto 2015 and Mark Willan 2016

  1. Heilige Nacht

2./3. Januar – Waage

Die Nacht, in der aus dem Dienen das größte Opfer erwächst, Gehorsam-Horchen-Hören lernen, auf die innere Stimme und das Zeichen des Göttlichen.

Mysterium: Der Rufer in uns durch die verschiedenen Inkarnationen hindurch: Seine Klarheit nimmt zu durch Opfer und Entscheidung.  Rudolf Steiner

Tenth Contemplation: Kristina Kaine

Do we hear our I Am calling to us? Do we strive to experience this I Am in our being, in our soul? Do we try to remember the agreement that we made with it before we incarnated? If we do we will be undisturbed by success and failure, good and evil, joy and suffering for we will see that these are important experiences necessary for our development.

Our I Am directs us to resolve our karma, to create harmony with all the people in our lives. Of course we would rather keep away from some people in our lives, thinking that then our lives will be more enjoyable. We do not remove our difficulties in this way; they will be re-presented to us through other people. If we are honest with ourselves we will admit that it is easier to hate those who make our lives difficult rather than to love them. Hate is considered to be a strong word, but the fact is, the polar opposite of love is hate. It is better to face the truth of this word than to gloss over it and give it a nicer name.

If we know anything at all about our I Am we realise that we are challenged to serve every single person in our life, not one single person is in our life by accident. The way we serve all those who are gathered around us is to love them, truly love them. Every human being is sacred, every human being has the potential to become a god. Do we want to be in the company of something that is sacred? something that is becoming a god? Kristina Kaine 2012

Art; Wilton Diptych, Panel from portable altarpiece ~1395-9

The Holy Night Reflections written between 2011 – 2016 are available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M730YAV/

The Holy Nights contemplations written between 2016 and 2021 are available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B08SBMRY7L/

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