Holy Night 10

January 2-3 – Libra

It is the night that comes from the service, the greatest sacrifice. Obey-Play.

We learn to hear the inner voice and the signs of the divine. Something mysterious cries in us through various incarnations, its clarity is enhanced by the sacrifice and the decision.
R. Steiner

Tenth Contemplation: Kristina Kaine

The second night of the crown focusses on service and sacrifice. We could say that the first crown is earned when we use our feeling-will, by integrating our will into our feeling. This second crown is more to do with infusing our thinking with will. This means that we become aware of our thoughts, we control our thoughts and we make sure that we actively think. How many times in a day do we realize that we didn’t think; we didn’t take into account all the factors before we acted?

When we begin to consciously think we place ourselves in service to the Cosmos. The word ‘serve’ in Greek is diakoneo which literally means “kicking up dust.” Through our thinking we disturb this settled earth. We begin to see signs of the divine plan in us. We send a signal that we are willing to understand why the Universe has been created the way it has. We also realise that it has been created this way to serve us. Every tree provides us with the oxygen necessary for life, and every mineral, plant and animal works to nourish us. We begin to take into account the beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy who work to keep everything in balance so that we can integrate our I Am into our being. How often do we take all this for granted?

Service and sacrifice go hand in hand. The word ‘sacrifice’ in Greek is thusia, which means “the act of offering.” It describes the way in which we offer up our worldly, self-centred will for universal good. When we manage to do this we see the extent to which we can contribute for the benefit of all. In service and sacrifice we become the co-creators and the second crown is placed on our heads.

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