Fifth Sunday of Lent 7 April, 2019

If Golgotha is to become real for us we must experience the birth of the human ‘I’ into the physical, followed by death of the human ‘I’ to the physical. We experience the birth when we experience our innate selfishness. We experience the death when we experience other people as if we were them, as well as letting them experience us as if they were us.

So the death of the human ‘I’ to the physical means that the ‘I’ can resist putting itself first. Selfishness is elevated out of the physical by purifying, refining, or exalting the physical desires that gave birth to it. This process is often misunderstood when the physical is negated in preference for the spiritual. We do this, for instance, when we do things for others at the expense of self. This is just another form of selfishness.

There is a wonderful Rosicrucian motto about this process: “Nature renovated by fire; matter renovated by spirit.” (INRI – Igne Natura Renovatur Integra). This is the fire Moses found in the bush that didn’t actually burn the bush. This Old Testament story foretold the event of Golgotha. The fire, the I AM, which is a fiery being, can eventually enter into the physical body without burning it up. In fact, the idea of living forever is connected with our ‘I’ for it is our eternal being.

Burning Bush Night Sky by Margie Thompson

3 Responses

  1. notradame is burning……and we spend billions on restoring the past in stone….instead of helping starving ,homeless ,abused children and their mothers …this fire was to test our Humanity…..and we chose dead stone and sentiment instead of the suffering masses across the globe …Virgin Mary is Weeping for the suffering children…..Moses and his burning bush ( the I AM would be ashamed …….AWAKEN and dare to question your lack of Compassion for Humanity…

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